Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Hate Writing Things Down!

I have a wonderful memory so please when your around me, don't ask me to write things down. Thank you =)

Monday, February 15, 2010

It Was a Cool Weekend

Overall I had fun. I ignored the fact that it was Valentine's Day but it was cool. Oh yeah I'm a member of The Weekenders because the weekend is a great escape. And no guys it's not a real group lol.

See? This Is What I Does!

In it since 14

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Never Have I Ever Believed In Valentine's Day Since 2 Years Ago From Today

Two years ago I gave her chocolate and roses in front of her family. She had troubles with her relationship and she was slowly magnetizing herself towards me rather than him. The day before Vday she had an argument with her boyfriend so she wasn't expecting anything, until I arrived to her house. All she thought about was me. Until the word "use" came into play between us, so we never seen eye to eye ever since. So that's why Valentine's Day ain't shit lol. But hey who knows, maybe I'll meet someone and this will all change. I wouldn't doubt it would happen about the feeling of change. Let's start with any takers? Lol But anyway sorry about this emo shit I'm talkin'. Back to our regular scheduled program of life.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Uh Oh

My animal like features are on a rise, again. It's gonna be 2 years ago all over again, when everyone thought I was out of my mind!  If this doesn't make sense, no worries it just does to myself. If you do get it then props to you. However this feeling is gonna help out with a project that I'm working on.
Ok make that two projects! Check this channel on youtube out and be kind, subscribe! lol

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You Lucky Bastard

Tune doesn't go to prison until March 2nd because he has a pain in his tooth or something like that. Now for people who wear grills or thought about wearing grills, you should take the best advice from mom first lol. But Tune is indeed one lucky bastard.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is exactly how I feel when I have no internet.
Completely naked! Jumping around the house balls free and everything

Saturday, February 6, 2010