I miss my grandmother so much...she was the only person to have loved me for whatever flaw, goal, and aspirations I had during the time she was alive. She showed me unconditional love for every time I came to her. Words can't describe how much I think of her every single day. At work I drive by the hospital she was in when she was diagnosed with cancer and it hurts to drive by it every single day. I feel as if I'm a lonewolf every single day when I interact with others who have loved me. I give it my all and I make mistakes as a human being. I grow from it every single day and I become a happy person. I don't want to be put in this box as a negative and angry person because that's not who I am. I'm actually a soft spoken, warm and genuine person in the inside who wants to succeed in life with everything that comes my way. In the past 12 months I've had people come into my life and throw dirt on my name...those people are no longer here. Summer is here and I'm going to feel alive, I'm going to love, connect, and feel as if my grandmother is on this earth with me. No anger and animosity will be tolerated from me. I don't like being like this...and I don't like to feel as if people see me as this angry and mad person. I miss my grandmother very much...the one person I can lean on for all of my troubles and uplift my spirits. I'm not who you think I am, I am a good person.