Monday, May 24, 2010

My Bougie Names For (Unnecessary Update) Stores

Now when I say names for a (Whatever) store you automatically think Tarjay for Target. Well I wasn't going to say that however I have a few more for you and hopefully it'll be useful for you in future use.

1. Koless: pronounced Cole·ess Which stands for Kohl's.

2. Lowess: pronounced Low·ess for Lowes. Yes I know it sounds like your saying Lois, word to Seth MacFarlane.

3. Kumhar: pronounced come·arr. I would pronounce it a different way but I didn't wanna sound perverted.

Now I forgot one convenient store because I forgot what it was known for. Some people say it's a multi-million dollar company but I have the slightest idea. But who knows more to come.


Anonymous said...

how about Gualmar? lol

Tony said...

That'll work. But the reason I didn't add Wal Mart is because I hate it lol.