Sunday, October 3, 2010


Lol no I'm kidding I wouldn't do that. However this movie's pretty interesting. I saw it today with my brother plus the fact that he almost fell asleep on it but it's unique in a way. This is sort of a spoiler but it's a thought: No disrespect to my nerds, ya'll my niggas lol but nerds do a lot of dumb shit but don't know that they're going to get rich off of it lol. Yeah I highlighted it for you hardcore movie "watchers" that don't like spoilers. . Favorite Character: Justin Timberlake's character because he reminds me of me, alot! But let me shut the hell up because I might give in more to detail (like I haven't already lol) but if you're looking to laugh at simple jokes then this movie isn't for you. Peace!

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