Sup hoe!
Oh I'm sorry, actually what I meant to say was: thank you. Thank you reader, whoever you may be in God's green earth. I don't know who you are and all but hey at least you took time off off your busy schedule to try and read this. I say try for a reason because well I had a hiatus from this blog. But I can't say I'm back pretty much because well...I'm busy now a days and I'm damn near proud to say that in all honesty. But we'll get to my busy-nessin a moment. Now I'm not gonna lie: I started this year out pretty rough. I felt neglected more than a dog staying in a car for so long while his owner went into a store. But I've learned that in due time patience is a virtue. You can't help but take one day at a time. That neglection turned into hanging with old friends and making some new ones. I was in a distant relationship this year. Not the smartest decision however when love is there, you can't deny or hide it. Of course all good things come to an end and everything happens for a reason. With all the advice and quotes I've learned, one sticks out and that is every negotiation has a limit, otherwise war is irrelevant. This summer I've had one of the best times in my entire life. I feel that I've connected with friends and family like never before. I went to the Orange County Fair for the first time in 3 years. Pretty cool stuff, they definitely stepped up their game this year. Next year is a big def that I'll go again. It was a first time for everything in the summer. If you wanna know more feel free to scroll down. I went to Hollywood for the first time ever (yeah you read right). The experience was ok: saw the stars on the floor, I saw tough dudes in purple v-necks, people took pictures with me because I looked like Obama. Ok that last part didn't happen lol, but every other weekend I'll try to head over there again with my brother. Speaking of my brother, our bond has come to a whole nother level. I actually can't remember the last time I had an actual argument or fight w/ him. He's matured to the point where he's no longer bothered with all the BS around him. After all, he's 16 now and is growing up so soon. So is his hairdye and all lol. Shouts out to BFK: you're the most craziest bastards I've ever seen. You guys remind me of me back in 05 with my cousin and friends. Be safe within these streets, cops are hot now a days and desperate like hell. This year I took initiative to try something new and that's to learn how to play the drums. All my life I wanted to play an instrument. Whether it be drums or piano: I've got one goal down, next is piano. A special thanks to Orlando Oddrocker Greenhill. Sir you have a mind like no other but your patience is out of this world. The way you teach is more than an astounding repetition. Thanks for inviting an artistic kid in to beat the heck out of the drums, sing his heart out every other Saturday at Instand Band & sometimes Tuesday at drum practice. Shouts out to Sound Army. These are some talented kids, gentlemen and women here. Can't wait to appear on the compilation which I might or might not appear on. I'm thinking about it lol. There were so many accomplishments this year: obtaining my A license permit. I went through a lot of struggle and hell to get it. And if I fall (fail) behind the wheel, I'm not worried one bit. I know God may have a plan for me and my patience will indeed bare with it. But I'm also not worried because I'm gonna make sure I'll pass with flying colors. A special shouts out to my friend Ron, he's helped my be in the zone for this test. And yes Ron, as soon as I'm done with this: I'll go back to studying lol. I may not have a lot of time left in California however I'm making amends with people to touch bases for one last time. Idk what else to say to be honest however this year was a year of laughter, pain, tragedy, joy, and prosperity. Last shout outs go to my family, Misha, Bryan Martinez, Michael's big head ass, Sky, my classmates, the whole Disturban Media crew, C.J. Archuleta, Jazi, Chuy (you ol' Andy from Toy Story lookin mofo lol), Tiara, Susana, and anyone who caught my attention this year alone I thank you all, and if you thank me, you're welcome. I'm gonna try to write on this blog more often, I want to keep The Winston Way belief alive however it's not gonna be in true fashion with pics (well just some pics) and videos like I used to. It's gonna be more realistic rather than fun and games. Idk I think I'm getting more older and wiser for that kind of stuff anymore. I mean I'm turning 23 (yeah I can't believe it neither and yes I know I look "like I'm 12" lol). Don't get it twisted I'm still gonna have my sense of humor lol. I'm not gonna do a corny closure like "Take Care" or "Farewell". I want to say Rest In Peace to Patricia Anne McClendon. I know you're watching over me and I'm trying my best towards something that'll have a smile on your face. And with that said, 2012 here I come! Goodnight
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