Monday, May 10, 2010

Take Off All Yo Clothes!

On Saturday me and my compadres Jimmy and Ron plus my brother saw this cholo couple walking down the street walking all normal and shit. They pass us and keep walking further down. Well we were waiting for Jimmy's dad after we got done hanging out then all of a sudden we see the dude give the girl a friendly shove. Pretty normal right? It was pretty normal and romantic UNTIL the chick just goes Xena The Warrior Princess on his ass. Then she starts to hit him with something, we couldn't see from a far what she was hitting him with but we thought it was a plastic bag full of some stuff. After that she drops this "plastic bag" she keeps whoopin' his ass while they're walking and it looked like she took off her shoes from a far too. Well it calmed down shortly after she tries to get away from him and J-walks but he follows. Well since I'm black and I got encouragement from my buddies I go over there to see about this "plastic bag". I pause at amazement and turns out it wasn't a plastic bag, it was simply her bra. My oh my did we get a laugh. Then my brother threw it over a gate where we live. And yet it's still there. And those shoes she took off? Well those were her underwear (panties). Some people must have took en  too many drugs and thought it was hot but it was REAL cold that night. BUT if your the chick who's reading this right now with internet access, I dedicate the song above to you. Eazy

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