Monday, May 31, 2010

Who's Ready For The First Musical Number*?

Man I'm stoked that I get to see myself for like 7 seconds, but so what? Not to dickride or anything but this is gonna....well IDK but it'll be as Awesome as the spray cleaner. Hopefully it'll come tomorrow though.

I Don't Live Too Far From a 7-11

So one day I'm gonna wait until a bunch of hot chicks pull up in front of the 7-11 by my house and I'm just gonna break out dancing to see if it's intimate enough. lol "wtf is wrong with him?". Yeah I can predict it now but will I win yes or no? *scractches head in thought*

The Most Random Shit I Ever Came Accross To

Happy Memorial Day

You can't help but respect the people who done it before you. I thank them for what they have done for the country and today's your day. Today is the day I break out the grill, chill with the fam and probably watch a movie. BUT If you see a Vet today, do like Lil Duval said and buy them a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 and it will make their day lol. Kidding =)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well, I Made a Mistake

Of not writing on this blog for specific reasons lol. My dumb ass forgot that I had to write on this blog for reasons that I must not share but Jimmya562 knows what I'm talking about. Shout out to google lol. But uh yeah the reason for my disappearance is because when you get tired of a certain thing bothering you for so long, the best thing for you to do is set ground rules. And if those don't work then you leave everything alone. I mean I myself didn't mean to act like an asshole towards my closest friends and my bad to that, but this weekend I had to go through some therapeutic things for myself. I didn't log on Facebook for a while and I felt bad for my friends and extras from High School Sucks the Musical for not hanging out. Guys if you do read this, my bad and yes we gotta set up a date again. I also felt bad for calling someone a name and them being offended. Well I was in a moment and for me and my partners in crime we like to shoot jokes on eachother all the time, so if your offended my bad. Man I'm currently typing this and I have a hangover like no tomorrow, but all jokes aside I'm good to go again. The belief of The Winston Way is back =)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vanishing For A While

"If you think your perfect, try walking on water".
See ya later =)

Oh Yeah: catch me on Stickam next week or something lol

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Had An Annoying Day Today

So I don't wanna cry and weep about it on Stickam later lol. So I'm not goin on tonight, I'll probably go on sometime this week, or if Jimmy doesn't decide to go on tomorrow I'll probably go on. Oh yeah if you don't know what Stickam is, well basically bring your webcam and come party! lol but not tonight.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Bougie Names For (Unnecessary Update) Stores

Now when I say names for a (Whatever) store you automatically think Tarjay for Target. Well I wasn't going to say that however I have a few more for you and hopefully it'll be useful for you in future use.

1. Koless: pronounced Cole·ess Which stands for Kohl's.

2. Lowess: pronounced Low·ess for Lowes. Yes I know it sounds like your saying Lois, word to Seth MacFarlane.

3. Kumhar: pronounced come·arr. I would pronounce it a different way but I didn't wanna sound perverted.

Now I forgot one convenient store because I forgot what it was known for. Some people say it's a multi-million dollar company but I have the slightest idea. But who knows more to come.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I just woke up from one of those naps where you take at 6PM and wake up at midnight and can't go back to sleep. This is very special, FML

Saturday, May 22, 2010

If His Album Isn't Gonna Be Good

Then this "freestyle" is too kosher to be on the album. And yes this is what we want.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen

Tonight's BlogTV broadcast will be my last broadcast on there. It was fun and all but sometimes it got on my nerves (ex. Lags). So tonight will be the last time I broadcast on there BUT I will be moving my show to Stickam on Tuesdays instead. Just a heads up. To see my last broadcast on BlogTV go here.


I just came across those "I'll get you when you come out" type of bums again. UGH! I'd get in a fight with a bum, but who does that right? Bums, all I'm sayin is when you ask me for change before I go into the store and I say I don't have any, get the fuckin' hint ok? I'm gonna start saying I'm gonna spend my money on what I'm buying. But maybe that's none of their business lol. Shit is gettin' ridiculous.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Biz Markie - I Need A Haircut

Yes that is an album cover and yes that is the title of his album from 1991. That's the most gangsterish and most original shit to ever do as a concept for your album. Most rappers now a days have a sincere and cliche title for an album like "Thank Me Later" or "Malice in Wonderland". Who in the hell is Malice and what does he have to do with Snoop Dogg? BUT an honest album title could be good and by far this is the truest and coolest album title I ever came across to: I Need A Haircut.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thank You All For Comin Out...Again

I'd like to thank everyone who came out last night to the show. Sorry for the misunderstanding for everything that took place, for example: My brother showing off even though he didn't want to be on the show in the first place, and Ron for not believing you when you got kicked out and I thought you were playing a practical joke. BlogTv counts that as spam my friend BUT we're gonna give that guy an account soon just because lol. Sorry Coney for not co-hosting, well I did co-host after-wards and the cast wasn't present at your show. So I high tailed off to eat a sandwich and go to sleep, but no worries next time when you have a show let me know and I'm there. My bad and I'll catch your next show and I hope there are no hard feelings. Oh yeah for last night If you weren't entertained, let's just quote this: "If you think you're perfect, try walking on water". Let me know when you wanna see me again though. Peace

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Known Fact

Everytime I poo I listen to "Release" by Timbaland. Just thought I'd share that. But another fact is I MIGHT go on BlogTv tonight instead of Sundays is because a loser, I don't know his name but the fag ends his name with an area code. Who does that? lol jk But catch me later.

Update: Tonight is a no go, rescheduling soon. I'm about to go live in 15 minutes, catch me here

Monday, May 10, 2010

Take Off All Yo Clothes!

On Saturday me and my compadres Jimmy and Ron plus my brother saw this cholo couple walking down the street walking all normal and shit. They pass us and keep walking further down. Well we were waiting for Jimmy's dad after we got done hanging out then all of a sudden we see the dude give the girl a friendly shove. Pretty normal right? It was pretty normal and romantic UNTIL the chick just goes Xena The Warrior Princess on his ass. Then she starts to hit him with something, we couldn't see from a far what she was hitting him with but we thought it was a plastic bag full of some stuff. After that she drops this "plastic bag" she keeps whoopin' his ass while they're walking and it looked like she took off her shoes from a far too. Well it calmed down shortly after she tries to get away from him and J-walks but he follows. Well since I'm black and I got encouragement from my buddies I go over there to see about this "plastic bag". I pause at amazement and turns out it wasn't a plastic bag, it was simply her bra. My oh my did we get a laugh. Then my brother threw it over a gate where we live. And yet it's still there. And those shoes she took off? Well those were her underwear (panties). Some people must have took en  too many drugs and thought it was hot but it was REAL cold that night. BUT if your the chick who's reading this right now with internet access, I dedicate the song above to you. Eazy

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mothers Day momma's and baby momma's. Women who support or had abortions could sniff a fart from Rosie O' Donnel's ass crack. That is all =)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Man, Fck That!

I saw a video of Drake the other day and it was a recorded stream. He was talking about how he looks like Obama on the new XXL cover he landed on. He also said if there was an Obama biography type of movie based on Obama's life then he should star or land a cameo as a younger like Obama type of role. Fck that! I like Drake's music and all but in the near future, if anyone sees an opening of an Obama biograhpy movie and is looking for a younger (or older, depends when it comes out) then LET ME KNOW! Don't tell me to go to these casting sites to sign up because maybe an Obama movie might come out and just sign up for it, just tell me where the audition is lol. But I'll sign up for it, sooner or later though. Plus I gotta get it before Alphacat too, lol but shout out to Alphacat. Let me know though.

Everyone's Favorite Song. Sing Along Now!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Now Playing

Summer Is Coming!

I'm hoping this summer is the one of the best summers I ever had. I have to admit last summer had to be the suckiest summers EVER. No need to explain anything in detail just know that it sucked for me lol. But shout out to eGo on the vlog, I mean I'm somewhat in a video right? Oh yeah look out for High School Sucks The Musical's first musical number coming June 1st. I just wanted to get off topic for a sec lol, but I hope this year's Summer is kosher though.

Monday, May 3, 2010

This Shit Is Vicious!

Out of all the other Tik Tok Ke$ha jokes this one is the funniest. The others just blow, keep trying though.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not Today Guys

For BlogTv That is, Sorry about that. Had a long night last night filming this party scene for High School Sucks The Musical. Shout out to Mysto & Pizzi, you guys are doin ya thing even though one of you looked high last night. LMAO but ya'll cool as hell though. Oh yeah also for another reason I'm not goin on is because for personal reasons and I will do anything in my power to resolve it, even if it's me bein an asshole about it, it'll probably be for a damn good reason. Sorry kids and I'll be on next Sunday. Banner coming soon lol.

Update: fck banners, there's a link on the sidebar lol