Friday, January 28, 2011

My Thoughts On Skins

I think it's a loserish version of Degrassi. It's funny how the show cant be descriptive when it comes to drug paraphernalia. Instead it points out to either drugs, or narcotics. Not weed, crack, or heroin. Example from a teenage cast member: "do you have the narcotics"? Who in the hell says that? "Ay nigga I got dem narcotics". Lol I guess its MTV's way of starting up "slang". Much more like 8 years ago when they played a commercial for the word "bling bling" and displaying how it was originated and how it faded away. Not sure if you seen it. YouTube it if you can. Well MTV's doing their thing, Jersey Shore's a living example smh.... But where will Skins end up? Probably like RJ Berger, maybe they'll debate to see if they air it ever again after a season. And yet it's kiddy porn too so that's why people are critiquing it so much. Well it is what it is, however leave the kids' raging hormones alone....let em watch Skins. Lol jk...kind of. However with Degrassi, that shit was real, they put Jimmy in a wheelchair. A freaking wheelchair! It's far more real and chicks were pregnant! Skins, step ya game up!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Starting To Feel

Like I'm at the border between the younger generation and older generation. Meaning I tend to complain at a young and old age perspective. For example from an old age perspective: there are kids now a days who wear band t-shirts and they listen to rap music or a different kind of genre. They choose to wear it because "it looks cool" and have never listened to the band in a day of their life. Talk about a slap in the face don't ya think? It ticks people off like a friend of mine named Ron. We converse on a lot of subjects like these and it's noticeable on kids now a days, that and earplugs. Growing up, prior to it being popular, I've never seen a person that was twice my age with a single earplug. Back then people who listened to a rock related genre wore like a thousand ear piercings on their ear lol. But now you rarely see anyone related to a rock genre wear plugs (or piercings) because kids with a different music genre think it's cool. Whatever floats your boat I guess. However from a young age perspective: I think Justin Bieber is the "It" guy right now. Call me crazy but I see no issue with the guy at all. I don't preferably listen to his music but I don't see a single thing wrong with the guy. At least he has no intentions to turn out like Tevin Cambpell (the guy that sang Happy Birthday to Ashely Banks on the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air) whose a full blown gay flamer. The guy has things going on and should be acknowledged to be pretty good at what he does: a musician. But what can I say, everyone felt like that towards a "female fanbase" for the last 12 years (nsync, backstreet boys, etc). It's scary to go through things of that nature but I'm in my 20s what can I say. Old fart status B)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gardena High School

It gets old. We haven't had a major problem in California related to this since the high school I previously attended: Cabrillo. I feel for those kids that attend that school, it's pretty sad. Let alone that the suspect was African-American, which really ticks me off. Our African-American youth should be at ease with the word peace. That's what they need, it's not just activities like basketball and doing stupid shit like this "to earn respect" from their lowlife peers. Join or invent a club in school. Do something in life that's valuable that's all. And no we can't say "I blame the parents" or "I blame the teachers" because half of us don't know what the hell we're talking about when we say that. We haven't been in the shoes of those teachers or parents because they probably feared for their lives themselves. It's just the atmosphere they choose and it's not pretty healthy. We just have to be at peace with brothers and sisters. My prayers go out to those children and parents who had to go through that. My condolences go out to them as well. We gotta stop it guys. Have a great and safe one, God bless.

Monday, January 17, 2011

For The Last 22 Years

Well since it's my birthday I thought I'd share five facts about me that I wouldn't share on a day to day basis. They are as followed:
1. My nickname as a toddler was Chunky Monkey. As of now I'm skinny however as a toddler I was pretty fat. I basically lived in the kitchen and when anyone would go and get something to eat, they would see me saying "some?" as in "can I have some"? My mom ribs me about it to this day.
2. At 5 years old I was playing with my Tonka truck outside on a hot summer day. All the kids were out playing and it happened to be the biggest heat wave of summer 1994. Some kids were playing with a shopping cart, meaning pushing each other around running wise. I got loose of my tonka truck rolling into the street and somehow someway I crawled to go get it and the kids who were pushing the cart happened to run over my right middle finger. My mom cussed them out and took me to the hospital. Now a days I smile when I see locks on shopping carts =•)
3. At 10 years old I ran in the middle of the street yelling "I gotta poop" in front of neighborhood kids. While holding my ass.
4. At 14 I was one of the few people who didn't listen when people suggested that riding a bike while wearing sandals isn't a good idea.
5. At 19 I worked in the receiving department at Wal Mart. Usually when a trailer comes, someone opens it by hand. As of this point, no one couldn't open it. A co-worker named Dustin was the only one who could open doors like these. All he needed for motivation was for someone to talk about his mom. I was the only one who could do that, because I was "the funniest". So I do it and he opens the door while grunting. When he finishes he gets all pumped and cheers around with me. He gets so pumped up to the point where he gives me a Ric Flair chop across the chest as a way for motivation for me. Motivation turned to me falling down to the floor in pain/laughter. Everyone got a kick out of it and i agree it was hysterical.

And that was me, at the oddest of times for the past 22 years.

Hello Again World

As you know and it's pretty obvious but I've disappeared for a while. Now how Is that? Well I've been pretty busy as of late and recently the two computers that I own are no longer at "service". So I'm on my iPod 24/7 for online use. Nothing wrong with that for me, it's just computers have their time of the month. Stupid bitches >=•|}. Today is the birthday of mine and it went pretty well. I got to hang out with my family which we haven't done in ages. We went to Bubba Gump Shrimp and I'm full from it as I type. Not too shabby of a place to eat, but people often critique it. Why? I have no clue. But it's good food, give it a try. But it was pretty awesome and I liked today. The present that I got today was a connection with my family, and that's all I wanted. No money could buy that i could tell you that. Especially air in your lungs and the sun that shines in your face every morning.