Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thank You All For Comin Out...Again

I'd like to thank everyone who came out last night to the show. Sorry for the misunderstanding for everything that took place, for example: My brother showing off even though he didn't want to be on the show in the first place, and Ron for not believing you when you got kicked out and I thought you were playing a practical joke. BlogTv counts that as spam my friend BUT we're gonna give that guy an account soon just because lol. Sorry Coney for not co-hosting, well I did co-host after-wards and the cast wasn't present at your show. So I high tailed off to eat a sandwich and go to sleep, but no worries next time when you have a show let me know and I'm there. My bad and I'll catch your next show and I hope there are no hard feelings. Oh yeah for last night If you weren't entertained, let's just quote this: "If you think you're perfect, try walking on water". Let me know when you wanna see me again though. Peace

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