Friday, August 20, 2010

In a Month Or So I Go Back To School, I Hope...

Hopefully this one goes well than the other one. The other one didn't have any vital information and it wasn't my taste. Well the work, as far as school work, that I was doing had nothing of their interest as far as Photoshop goes. Photoshop and drawing isn't an interest of mine, and it wasn't a thing that I liked doing. I want to do something I like. Information that isn't vital, having a teacher scream at you for leaving because you become bored/attention payed for everyone except you at a "meeting" but it's really his birthday party? Oh yeah we really need to evaluate a plan as far as education goes. Well the school I'm heading to now hopefully it goes good, it's been hooked up by Jimmy which again I hope and pray to God this school goes well. If it doesn't then I'll have luck finding another school.

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