Monday, January 17, 2011

For The Last 22 Years

Well since it's my birthday I thought I'd share five facts about me that I wouldn't share on a day to day basis. They are as followed:
1. My nickname as a toddler was Chunky Monkey. As of now I'm skinny however as a toddler I was pretty fat. I basically lived in the kitchen and when anyone would go and get something to eat, they would see me saying "some?" as in "can I have some"? My mom ribs me about it to this day.
2. At 5 years old I was playing with my Tonka truck outside on a hot summer day. All the kids were out playing and it happened to be the biggest heat wave of summer 1994. Some kids were playing with a shopping cart, meaning pushing each other around running wise. I got loose of my tonka truck rolling into the street and somehow someway I crawled to go get it and the kids who were pushing the cart happened to run over my right middle finger. My mom cussed them out and took me to the hospital. Now a days I smile when I see locks on shopping carts =•)
3. At 10 years old I ran in the middle of the street yelling "I gotta poop" in front of neighborhood kids. While holding my ass.
4. At 14 I was one of the few people who didn't listen when people suggested that riding a bike while wearing sandals isn't a good idea.
5. At 19 I worked in the receiving department at Wal Mart. Usually when a trailer comes, someone opens it by hand. As of this point, no one couldn't open it. A co-worker named Dustin was the only one who could open doors like these. All he needed for motivation was for someone to talk about his mom. I was the only one who could do that, because I was "the funniest". So I do it and he opens the door while grunting. When he finishes he gets all pumped and cheers around with me. He gets so pumped up to the point where he gives me a Ric Flair chop across the chest as a way for motivation for me. Motivation turned to me falling down to the floor in pain/laughter. Everyone got a kick out of it and i agree it was hysterical.

And that was me, at the oddest of times for the past 22 years.

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