Friday, January 28, 2011

My Thoughts On Skins

I think it's a loserish version of Degrassi. It's funny how the show cant be descriptive when it comes to drug paraphernalia. Instead it points out to either drugs, or narcotics. Not weed, crack, or heroin. Example from a teenage cast member: "do you have the narcotics"? Who in the hell says that? "Ay nigga I got dem narcotics". Lol I guess its MTV's way of starting up "slang". Much more like 8 years ago when they played a commercial for the word "bling bling" and displaying how it was originated and how it faded away. Not sure if you seen it. YouTube it if you can. Well MTV's doing their thing, Jersey Shore's a living example smh.... But where will Skins end up? Probably like RJ Berger, maybe they'll debate to see if they air it ever again after a season. And yet it's kiddy porn too so that's why people are critiquing it so much. Well it is what it is, however leave the kids' raging hormones alone....let em watch Skins. Lol jk...kind of. However with Degrassi, that shit was real, they put Jimmy in a wheelchair. A freaking wheelchair! It's far more real and chicks were pregnant! Skins, step ya game up!

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